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የአባልነት መጠየቂያ ፎርም/Membership or Support Registration Form

የአማራ ሕዝብ ነፃነቱን አስጠብቆ ራሱን አጠናክሮ እንዲኖር ከተፈለገ የአማራ ፋኖ መደገፍ አለበት:: ለፋኖ ድምፅ በመ ሆን ሃሳብ በመስጠት ገንዘብ በማዋጣት መረዳት አለበት ብላችሁ የምታምኑ ፎርሙን ሙሉና ላኩ :: አማራ ያልሆናችሁ ግን የአማራን ሰቆቃ የምትረዱ ወይም የአማራ ስነ ልቦና ያላችሁ ደጋፊ መሆን ትችላላችሁ::

Amhara must be united to fight all anti Amhara forces to exist in Liberty and in Diginity . Therefore, Amhara Fano must be supported by contributing ideas and finances. If you want to become a member of  Amhara Fano Support group, please fill up the form and send or submit. If you are not Amhara but understand the Plight & Suffering of Amhara people, you can also support Amhara people by becoming  a member. If you have any questions, please contact us at:  You can also donate to help the projects of AMHARA  people. If you like to Help the Amhara people or families of those who are in Jail without becoming a member, please click Here.

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