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Senate Resolution 168

Update on S.Res 168:
Amhara Association of America (AAA) and our coalition partners are working on an update to Senate Resolution 168 to be reintroduced very soon…..stay tuned for details on this important legislation.

S.Res 168 መጠነኛ የይዘት ለውጥ ተደርጎለት እንደአዲስ በቅርቡ ለላይኛው የአሜርካ ምክር ቤት(senate) ይቀርባል:: የዐማራ ማህበር በአሜሪካ ከአጋሮቹ ጋር በማሻሻያ ላይ እየሰራ ይገኛል:: ዝርዝር መረጃዎችን በቅርቡ ይጠብቁ!!

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