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Message from NAMA to PM Abiy Ahmed

Once again, I congratulate PM Abiy Ahmed on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. It is truly remarkable. However, honor such as this should not tolerate for once the massive institutional injustice and political conspiracies that are trapping innocents, making them subjects of punishment without crime; honor such as this should no more tolerate the lords of violence and their backers from within the government who are behind all the mass killings, displacements, and looting of innocents and their properties. The Nobel Prize should mean to bring these people to justice sooner than later; this honor should mean to bring peace to Ethiopia, to ensure that people have full rights to expression, speech, association, to ensure that groups have the right to self-rule across all regions of Ethiopia, individuals to have legal protection, and to have a real chance at their political lives, etc.
Dear Nobel winner, look….and this is true….that, right at this time in Ethiopia, “prisoner of conscience” denotes such names as

Christian Tadele,

Belete Kassa,

Fantahun Molla, 

Sisay Altaseb,

Degifie Nigatu,

Asteraw Kebede,

Ayele Asmare,

Amare Kassie, etc of NaMA (the National Movement of Amhara). They have neither used nor advocated violence; they have been imprisoned only for their political views, and your government knows the facts well.


Belete Molla,

Vice Chairman of NAMA

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