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አሜሪካ በኢትዮጵያ ላይ የተጣለዉን የኢኮኖሚ አቀባ ልታነሳ ነው !መነበብ አለበት::

U.S. Lifts Human Rights Violation Designation on Ethiopia

The decision, despite evidence of ongoing abuses, clears the way to new economic aid.

The Biden administration has quietly informed Congress that as far as it is concerned, Ethiopia is no longer engaging in a “pattern of gross violations of human rights,” lifting a legal designation that will pave the way to resume the dispatch of U.S. and international economic aid to the East African country, according to an internal U.S. Treasury Department notification and officials familiar with the matter.

The move comes as Washington looks to revamp its relationship with Ethiopia, one of the largest economies in East Africa, after the country emerged last year from a brutal civil war that is considered to be the bloodiest conflict of the 21st century.

The decision appears to contradict reports of continued human rights abuses and ethnic cleansing campaigns in the northern Tigray region of Ethiopia, potentially undermining the Biden administration’s pledge to elevate human rights to the top of its foreign-policy agenda.

The move comes as Washington looks to revamp its relationship with Ethiopia, one of the largest economies in East Africa, after the country emerged last year from a brutal civil war that is considered to be the bloodiest conflict of the 21st century.

The decision appears to contradict reports of continued human rights abuses and ethnic cleansing campaigns in the northern Tigray region of Ethiopia, potentially undermining the Biden administration’s pledge to elevate human rights to the top of its foreign-policy agenda.

Still, the newest move by the Biden administration to lift the designation showcases how eager it is to strengthen ties with Ethiopia, which it views as an anchor for U.S. engagement on the continent and a crucial player in African security and development initiatives. Ethiopia is a leading contributor of troops to U.N. peacekeeping operations and is host to the African Union. More recently, U.S. President Joe Biden praised the Ethiopian government for its role in helping to support the rapid evacuation of U.S. diplomats and citizens from Sudan as the country plunged into conflict.

The Treasury Department this week notified Congress that “based on a recent assessment of the State Department, has determined that Ethiopia no longer is engaging in a pattern of gross violations of human rights,” according to a copy of the congressional notification viewed by Foreign Policy.

ሰበር መረጃ፦

 ጆ ባይደን በሰብአዊ መብት ጥሰት ምክንያት በዓብይ አገዛዝ ላይ የተጣለው ማዕቀብ እንዲነሳ ጠይቋል። ይህ በከፋ የመብት ጥሰት፣ በጦርነት እና በሰቆቃ ውስጥ
ላሉ ኢትዮጵያውያን በተለይ
ለዐማራው ምን ማለት እንደሆነ ግልጽ ነው፤ በመሆኑም መላው ኢትዮጵያውያን የባይደንን እና የውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስትሩን
አንቶኒ ብሊንከን የቲውተር ገጾች እና ቢሮዎች በተቃውሞ ዘመቻ መልዕክቶች አሁኑኑ ማጨናነቅ አለብን።

U.S. Lifts Human Rights Violation Designation on Ethiopia


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