Fact : during tamrat layne’s time , meles’s time and hailemariam’s time Amhara “elites” has sold themselves to woyane SHABIYA more than anyother ethnicity in ethiopia.
now amhara is having the biggest identity crisis , the older generation of amhara has lost their identity and has forced their children and grand children to loose their identity .
Fact : during tamrat layne’s time , meles’s time and hailemariam’s time Amhara “elites” has sold themselves to woyane SHABIYA more than anyother ethnicity in ethiopia.
now amhara is having the biggest identity crisis , the older generation of amhara has lost their identity and has forced their children and grand children to loose their identity .
anbessa siyarej yezinib mechawecha yihonal
yezendrowochu amharawoch siyareju melaw amhara zinib endichawetibet asderegu
zinib = yetemari movement generation “elites”