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Home / Amharic / በአዲስ አበባ የሚሰራዉን ተንኮል ተመልከቱና ፍረዱ !

በአዲስ አበባ የሚሰራዉን ተንኮል ተመልከቱና ፍረዱ !

“ለድምፃዊው መታሰቢያዎቹ የተሰየሙለት በአቃቂ ክፍለ ከተማ ገላን አካባቢ አንደኛና ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ትምህርት ቤት፣ ከኃይሌ ጋርመንት ወደ ጀሞ የሚወስደው መንገድ፣ ቦሌ ዓለም አቀፍ አውሮፕላን ማረፊያ አካባቢ የሚገኘው ድልድይና በሂልተን ሆቴል አካባቢ ያለው ፓርክ ናቸው።

በስሙም የመታሰቢያ ሐውልት በከተማዋ ለማቆም በአፍሪካ ኢኮኖሚክ ኮሚሽን አካባቢ የመሠረት ድንጋይ ተቀምጧል” ሲል ፋና ዛሬ በድህረገጹ አስታውቋል።

በእርግጠኝነት ለመናገር የሚቻለው የሟች ስም “ሃጫሉ” መሆኑ ቀርቶ ትንሽ የመሃል አገር የሚመስል ነገር ቢኖረው ኖሮ ስያሜውን በዚህ የስግብግብነት ልክ እንደማይሄዱበት ለማንም የተሰወረ አይደለም ስንል ይሄ እርምጃ ያው ከፍ ሲል ኢትዮጵያን ዝቅ ሲል ደግሞ አዲስ አበባን ኦሮማይዝድ የማድረግ የኦነግ የተስፋፊነት ቅዠት እንጅ ሟችን ከማክበር ጋር የሚገናኝ ነገር እንደሌለው ማሰብ ሳያስፈልገን ገና በደመነድሳችን ጭምር የምንረዳው እንጭጭ ፖለቲካ ስለሆነ ነው ።

አንድ መታወቅ ያለበት እውነት የትግራይ ጉጅሌዎች ቤተመንግስቱ ውስጥ በነበሩበት አመታት ኦጋዴንን ጨምሮ በመላ አገሪቱ በመለስ ዜናዊ ስም ያልሰየሙት ነገር ቢኖር ታቦት ብቻ ነበር። ነገር ግን ቀን ጎድሎባቸው አልጋው መንቀጥቀጥ ሲጀምር እነዚያ ሁሉ መታሰቢያዎች ትርጉም ማጣት የጀመሩት ገና እግራቸው ከአዲስ አበባ ሳይወጣ እንደነበር ለማስታወስ ትናንት እሩቅ አይደለም።

ታከለ ኡማ የተባለ የኦነግ ጎማ በዚያ ቦታ ላይ እስካለ ድረስ አዲስ አበቤ ዋጋ መክፈሉን ይቀጥላል። ጠሚዶው ትግራይ ውስጥ የመሸገውን ዘንዶ ወገቡን ለመቁረጥ በቀጣይ በሚደረገው ዘመቻም ሆነ ከአባይ ግድብ ጋር ተያይዞ እየተፈጠረ ላለው የኃይል አሰላለፍ ከመቸውም ግዜ በላይ የኢትዮጵያን ህዝብ ሙሉ ድጋፍ በሚፈልግበት በዚህ ወቅት ታከለ ኡማን እና መሰል ቁሻሾችን ይዞ አንድ እርምጃ የሚራመድ ከመሰለው ቀኑ ደርሶ ዋጋውን ሲከፍል ያገኘዋል።

One comment

  1. Sabata Kara qore Dynamite koya feche

    In Africa never heard colonizers commiting genocides to these heavy proportion as Amaras are facing for three decades until now.Nothing happened to people who got arrested in connection with 86 people death in Oromia ,they got released after being fed excellent food for couple of months in jails then upon release most joined the Abiy Ahmed’s military and the Oromias police force , the same people who committed the 86 Amaras murder were police and military soldiers deployed in the area who facilitated the currently on going Amara’s genocide.

    Colonel Abiy Ahmed is the Commander in chief of the Ethiopian police force. Many times for two years opposition politicians suggested to Colonel Abiy Ahmed that he is unable to lead Ethiopia unless he takes steps to correct the Ethiopian police force , he refused. His refusal and stubborness to address the issue brought this loss we experienced , plus his stubborness created a wound that will bring more grievances , more hatred ,more division , more grudges and more revenges which will for generations bring more loss in the future, many assume it will add up to bigger losses than the loss experiencing now. People are being forced to rely on vigilante justice since Colonel Abiy Ahmed rather harbor criminals and sugar coat criminals with lies. He kept saying tedemer but when people medemer then he gets things suggested to him he refuses to accept , what good is Medemer then if he only accepts what he chooses to accept only? From now on Addis Ababa residents , Amaras, Gurages , Wolaitas , Gamos are forced to sleep with one eye open same as Oromos are too, all because the PP PM Colonel Abiy Ahmed was too busy planting flowers and cleaning sidewalks instead of working on developing farmers associations and developing a qualified security apparatus as many repeatedly suggested to him with he not accepting their suggestions . Those who criticized him for failing as a PM are in jail or currently being hunted down. Democracy is continuing to be a fairy tale, soon Abiy Ahmed will be officially just like the North Korean or Chinese dictator if he is allowed to stay in power .

    Abiy Ahmed and his EPRDF machinery who pretend to reform themselves into PP continued to let the same old “ethnic competitive violent systemic capitalism” to reign , allowing many people to act violently against each other for two years with PP law enforcement encouraging some Oromo people to kill other suspected competitor capitalists business owners or farm owners. Christian church is also suspected of being a competitor capitalist by some of the non Christians , maybe vice versa too. The Amara Bank and the Christian Bank is forced shut down it’s opening process by Abiy’ Ahmed’s direct order while Oromia bank and the Islamic Bank are getting all the supports from Abiy’ Ahmed.

    Colonel Abiy Ahmed thought he is able to lead Ethiopia with benefiting Oromia only, without implementing Balderas , Amara National Movement ,Lidetu Ayalew … suggestions , he ridiculed them as power mongers siding with his OROMUMA competitive capitalist prosperity fund raisers police officers who arrrest Eskinder Nega in Addis Ababa routinely, who chased Lidetu Ayalew out of Addis Ababa , now these police officers who Abiy defended were giving the government issued rifle guns to young Oromos to practice sharp shooting on innocent civilians .Abiy Ahmed need to face justice too , we don’t know if he did not allow the police officers actions. As many other places it was reported that in Bale: police lent guns for attackers in Agarfa, Ethiopia.

    Same as it was done previously In Debre Berhan , Ataye and this time around in Oromia where command post state of emergency was declared with federal government military stationed a stone throw away while Amaras were facing genocides. So why do Ethiopians support EPRDF PP TPLF reformed or not ? Ethiopia might as well let Egypt lead Ethiopia , what worse thing would foreign colonizers do than what EPRDF PP TPLF done from 1991 till this day?

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