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Home / Amharic / ለአማራ ብለው ለሞቱት ቤተሰቦችና ልጆች የቻልነዉን ያህል መርዳት አለብን።

ለአማራ ብለው ለሞቱት ቤተሰቦችና ልጆች የቻልነዉን ያህል መርዳት አለብን።


ዉጪ ሃገር ያላችሁ በ Paypal መላክ ይቻላል። ኢትዮዽያ ዉስጥ ያላችሁ በቀጥታ በባንክ ኣካዉንት ላኩ



  1. Hi ABN,

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for trying to help General Asamnew’s family and I am transferring $50 for that brave Young man we saw.


  2. Where is the account no to support general asamnew tsige family

  3. Let’s unite and erect a big monument for our hero General asamnew tsige

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